We are currently offering telehealth services during COVID-19!
Since the start of the pandemic, our therapists have shifted their treatments to telehealth services to provide the same meaningful and child-centered activities while at home. While keeping goals in mind, our therapists have been able to come up with individualized and creative treatment activities to help your child enjoy and get the most out of their telehealth sessions!
Some recent restrictions have been lifted to allow for telehealth OT, PT and speech sessions to be billable to insurance under the same treatment codes as face-to-face services. We can now submit your TeleOT sessions to insurance and you should receive the same reimbursements that you have been getting for in-clinic OT sessions.

Here are some of the areas that we can address through telehealth:
- Self-regulation
- Fine motor coordination
- Visual motor integration
- Handwriting
- Gross motor skills
- Feeding